Conserve water. Multiple loads of laundry using a top-loading washer can overload your septic system, especially when coupled with heavy usage in the rest of the house. Call our office to discuss your system’s capacity.
Use “Septic Safe” toilet paper. Many brands offer quality toilet paper that will break down more efficiently in your tank. Check the label.
Fix leaky faucets or toilets, the most common cause of hydraulic overload.
Use “Septic Safe” liquid detergents in the laundry and dishwasher. Powdered detergents use a clay-based carrier that can solidify inside pipes.
Pump your tank regularly! Failure to pump your septic or trash tank can be detrimental to your lateral lines or aerobic system components. Frequency of pumping depends on several factors such as occupancy and tank size. Call our office to discuss when you need to pump.
Flush paper products including baby wipes, disposable diapers, cleaning wipes, “flushable wipes”, or paper towels. Feminine products, condoms, cigarette butts – not good.
Pour harmful chemicals down the drain. No automatic toilet bowl cleaners, drain cleaners, paints, bleaches, petroleum products, household cleaners, pesticides or unused medications.
Don’t over-use the garbage disposal. While rinsing dishes is not a problem, send most table scraps to the trash or a compost pile. Avoid pouring cooking grease down the drain.