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Common Myths About Septic Tanks Debunked


More than 21 million households in the United States use septic systems — not a public sewer — to trap and filter their toilet waste. If you plan to install a septic tank or already have one, there are many things you need to know. People have a lot of misconceptions when it comes to the maintenance of septic tanks. If you do not get your facts right, you might end up being misled into spending money for an unnecessary process. Below are some of the myths that people have regarding septic tanks.

Additives Are Necessary

You must have heard people say that septic tanks require additives such as yeast and other commercial enzymes to enable the system to run properly. This is not true. Enzymes and bacteria from human waste are enough to break down the waste. No enzyme will break down plastics and other solid materials that might find their way into the tank. Such waste can only be removed through pumping.

The Pumping Process Is Expensive

Most people do not know that a septic tank can run properly without requiring pumping for more than three years. Therefore, unlike the common misconception that pumping is expensive, it is not since it is a process that will be done at least once every three years.

A Building Can Be Constructed on Top of a Septic Tank

This is one of the construction mistakes that people might think of doing to save on land. A building cannot be constructed on top of a septic tank because it will hinder access to the tank. Your septic tank might malfunction, thus requiring the engineers to access it for repairs. If a building has been constructed on top of it, it will be challenging to make such repairs. You might end up destroying the building for you to access the septic tank.

You Need Many Septic Tanks

A septic tank can last for up to 25 years with proper maintenance. Therefore, you might only need one tank for that whole period. Building many septic tanks simultaneously is a waste of time. A septic tank will not fill in a few months, and therefore, you don’t need many.

Once you have installed a septic tank or plan septic system installation, it is advisable to seek advice from experts on caring for it. Experts have a lot of knowledge regarding septic tanks and will not provide you with false information. These professionals are responsible for maintenance, so you won’t have to worry about the myths that people have regarding septic tanks.